Suzanne 6th of November 2016 |
Sonia 4th of December 2016 |
Francesca 26 and 27 November 2016
It is Saturday 26 November 2016 and I am on my way to a painting session in Amsterdam. This weekend there is a double session both Saturday and Sunday because of the previous missed Sundays when Saskia had a vacation.
This year I could plan my holiday to match so the fall vacation coincides with my vacation! During this vacation, I went to Sweden to my cottage. There had been a burglar breaking up doors to the barn at Sunnerås. I went replacing the door hatches and mount some more outdoor lamps. It took a lot more time to install the lamps than I had anticipated but the cottage is lighter now than before.
The election in the US is now over. Normally I am less biased about the politics of US but this time I became more exposed to the process. Usually I think of presidential elections as things that has no impact on my life. This time it did not feel like that. At an early stage, I predicted that Trump would win. I also predicted I would be disappointed by this. Now I leave my thoughts at that. I am on my way to a painting session and I need to get my head into painting mode.
I arrived at studio de Stoker well on time. The first person I met was Maroesja Lacunes. She was going to have a vernissage that evening and was preparing for this. She looked like she enjoyed her life. The exhibition was from etches that she made. These days she paints very little with oil paint and primarily do etches. It was nice to meet her.
The model this day was Francesca from Italy. She got long dark chestnut colored hair and a pale skin. I real treat to paint.
Unfortunately, I was not in the flow today and most of the time I was searching for lines, searching for colors, and just plain searching.
At the end of the session the opening of Maroesjas exhibition had started and there was a French songs singer accompanied by guitar. There was plenty of people that came to the opening. Maroesja held a speech and thereby the exhibition was opened. Then people mingled and there were snacks.
The painters today were Renske, Dick, Saskia, Bas and me.
When I came home I considered starting over tomorrow.
Today it is Sunday 27 November. I am on my way to studio de Stoker again! Now I decided to start over. This time I will paint only a portrait of Francesca. In this painting, I will start using white already from the beginning but I will try to blend a little less in the beginning.
It went very well actually. I had hoped for more but this is as far as I could get her painting this time. This was not a painting that I created with much painter’s happiness but okay anyway.
Francesca said that she could recognize herself in the painting and that is sweet of course.
Yesterday I had earplugs in my ears. That was not necessary today. This group of painters were much quieter. Today came Renske, Saskia, Luc, Bas, Tom and me.

I moved from Sweden to The Netherlands in 1995.
Here on this site, you find my creations because that is what I do. I create.