At the plot last day of February 2020

Today we went to the plot again. It was raining as usual. A future neighbor, Mr. AA, was working on the foundation of his house.

Parked on the dirt road.

Here you can see my car along the new dirt road. The pole is near where the plot starts. The car is standing near where it ends.

Clay, clay, and more clay.

Here I got stuck in the clay. I was thinking that this would be my end, but I got away with it.

This clay has some blueish hue to it.

Here is an official corner pole placed next to the pole with the poop. The official pole is one and a half meters away from the poop pole. I don't know who placed the poop pole.


In two weeks time, this stuff is mine.

I moved from Sweden to The Netherlands in 1995.

Here on this site, you find my creations because that is what I do. I create.