Geo-Data marked up our plot

Today Geo-Data marked up our plot. It was nice weather.

The surveyor had come early to our plot. When we arrived on time he just said that he was done.

This pole indicates four meters below MSL.

It was lovely weather today. Here is my foot at a pole indicating a corner of the house. I got too long hair because I don’t dare to go to the hairdresser due to the Corona disease. Before this is over I will have a ponytail?

This little bush of shrubs is at one end of the house. That is the corner where the hobby room will be.

Right outside the future living room we got reed growing and the tracks of someone driving over our ground before it became our plot.

Here is a photo of the reed with the dirt road in the background.

Here is this photo I am standing in the middle of the future house. You can barely see the corners. We need to mark these better. This photo is taken from a corner we share with our future neighbor Mrs. PMI.


I am looking forward to when I will get back here to mark out the driveway.

I moved from Sweden to The Netherlands in 1995.

Here on this site, you find my creations because that is what I do. I create.