Melissa 5 March 2017 |
Issa 19 March 2017 |
Melissa 12 March 2017
Today it is Sunday 12 March and I am sitting on the train on the way to Amsterdam for a life model painting session. Today I got a first class seat! Not without any issue of course. I came well on time to the station but the train had already arrived at the platform. There is also another train unloading and many people wanted to get on the train. Normally I am standing first in the row but today I came behind everybody else. In this situation, I came to sit in the first class carriage. I quickly googled that they are not so strict on sitting in the wrong coupé in the Netherlands. This is so typical Dutch, there are rules but they are bent to each specific situation. So here I was sitting on the train and I knew I doing something wrong. It was feeling unusual for me. So then came the conductor and there started a discussion and instead of writing a fine or extra ticket she wondered what soccer team I supported. “No soccer team at all. I don’t like soccer at all” was my obvious answer. The other trespassing passenger said the RED obviously. She liked that answer and then she came back to me. And? I answered “Red”. It was the correct answer. Then she said I should have a nice day. And off she went. On the way out when she passed the others she proclaimed that this was a silence couple so people had to shut up in this coupe.
It is really nice weather today. The tray at this seat is further away. There is more legroom here so that the keyboard cannot lie on the tray. My arms are too short for first class.
Ans, Luuk, Tieneke, Tom, Saskia and Me.
On the way home the conductor said in the speaker system that it was fine to sit in first class this time only because the train was so full. Interesting.
I forgot to clean the brushes.

I moved from Sweden to The Netherlands in 1995.
Here on this site, you find my creations because that is what I do. I create.