Marieke 2 April 2017 |
Anna Maria 16 April 2017 |
Marieke 9 April 2017
It is a beautiful weather today but that will not stop us from painting today. The travel today started a bit weird because I had seen on my phone that there was construction work on the tracks today and that I would have delays of at least 30 minutes and travel by bus.
When I arrived at the station the trains went like normal.
I could not blog on the train to Amsterdam. Instead, I watched YouTube movies about Fusion 360. That is a program that you use to design 3D models with. It is a really complex program!
Last week I ordered the 3D printer kit. It became a Black Widow from the company Tevo that I ordered on 5 of April. I ordered it directly from the company in Guan Dong in China. When I looked at videos from people unpacking the kit it looked really thoroughly packed. Everything looks nice with the kit but it is a kit and you need to put it together but I am Swedish and grown up with putting things together so that should be doable. There are some few videos about bad products from Tevo but I don’t know how “real” those videos are. They look like marketing from angry competitors. Perhaps or perhaps not.
One thing is absolutely clear, a printer that is that sturdy for that price Tevo is the best right now. The printer is the cheapest of that kind and it has the biggest print area and really many materials that it can print and there is no other printer having that for that price. There are many competitors with Bowden based printers but I opted for direct drive, so Black Widow from Tevo it is. Over some time I might think differently but that is how it stands now. So I ordered the printer on 5 April in the evening.
When I arrived at de stoker I was too early. There was time to sit down in the garden and eat sandwiches and enjoy the good weather.
Then started the hard work of making and finishing a painting. The model today was Marieke. I had decided on making a portrait and to make it so that it had likeliness and this succeeded!
Bert talked about how the human eye cannot see the entire picture and that the brain put partial pictures together to form the whole image. It turned out that Bert had been a teacher for Saskia at the academy. It is really cool to have these artists around you and how you from time to time can learn from them.
The artists today were Bert, Luuk and Ans, Irene Saskia and me.
Next Sunday it is Easter and then the trains will not go by the schedule because of construction work.
I moved from Sweden to The Netherlands in 1995.
Here on this site, you find my creations because that is what I do. I create.