Ernestine 22 of April 2018

It is Sunday 22 of April, and I am on my way to a life model painting session at de Stoker in Amsterdam. It is the next to last model session of this season.

I want to try to paint a diptych painting over two panels. I suppose that you have to hang the two pictures next to each other on the wall. It is the first time I am doing this. For some time I have been wanting to paint bigger. Many times my decision on motive and composition is influenced by the size of my panels. For example I often cut of the top of the head to get nearer to the model. I love my wet panel box but it has one size and that is really it. I could decide on creating a bigger wet panel box but I am undecisive about that right now.

When I came on the platform, I got pain in my back so this will be an interesting jurney.

It is really warm today and during the day it will get even warmer.

This is the train to the Hague passing the airport so there is much of American accent being talked here.

This was the point when I stopped blogging while sitting on the train. I did not pick up finish the blog on the way home aither. Right now I am finishing this blog post on the wednesday 24 of April. I suppose the pain in my back took the edge of my energy last Sunday.

The painting went well. The artists were Irene, Tom, Saskia and me. The model was Ernestine. I did not even take pictures  of my work while sketching.

The work I did was well received by the other artists. That is encouraging. They even said that this painting was impressionistic, and that is a very good rating since I am very found of impressionism.

Since the result was so good I decided on call this painting finished. I will make a new painting next Sunday. That will be the grand finale of this painting season.

I moved from Sweden to The Netherlands in 1995.

Here on this site, you find my creations because that is what I do. I create.