JENS MALMGREN I create, that is my hobby.

Cleared the area behind the sea container

This week, I cleared the area behind the sea container.

Monday 30 September

This morning, I started to make breakfast at 7:25 AM. Outside, it is 8°C, and inside, it is 21°C. There's not much wind; right now, one part of the sky is clear, and the other is overcast. The breakfast smoothie will be without peers Today, so I will use apples, bananas, and fruit from the freezer. That means we must go to the grocery store in the afternoon after work.

I will work from home, and DW will also work from home. This morning, I put on weight a kilo. So that is quite shocking, but really. What are you supposed to do when you're on no less than three social activities the day before, and each activity is centered around eating something?

The idea with our new eating regime is that it does not matter to put on weight because we will also lose it naturally. There is theory and practice, and sometimes there is a difference between theory and practice. Exciting to see if the theory will hold up. But I think it will.

It's a classic dilemma. When there is a difference between the theory and the model? What will you change? The theory or the model? I recall, as a teenager, I asked my dad about it. Exactly that question. And he didn't even hesitate. He said that you have to change the reality in such a situation. Not a single doubt in his mind. That answer implies that the model is already proven. That's not always the case, as I see it. I have a long career making software programs, and I know by now that models aren't finished at the first stage. That it is always the reality that should change because the model or the idea is correct; that is proven wrong for me.

I put Merida on the scale this morning; she was 4.1 kilos. She's been pretty stable on that weight for a long time. We have decreased her food ration. It was 70 grams per day, but now it's 40 grams. She can always catch a mouse, so it's not terrible if she's a little hungry Sometimes.

I'm still busy with the breakfast. Yesterday, I didn't finish blogging. I was too tired. I'm going to need to work on that tonight.

During breakfast, we decided to take a walk together for lunch. That was a long time ago. It was great to get out and walk. We had bread with us. It was overcast and windy, but I enjoyed it anyway. After the lunch walk, we went to our house again and continued to work.

I had a good day's work. I managed to work well, and I worked long past 6PM. The project is now nearing a state when I can release a new version. Perhaps tomorrow already. That is about time.

After work, we went to a road association gathering. A new board was chosen. I hope they will get along and the association members will let them do their things without annoying disturbances.

After the meeting, I finished last week's blog. I put it live.

Tuesday 1 October

Today, both DW and I went to our offices. We got stuck in a traffic jam because of a road construction project. We will need to take another route the next time.

At the office, I noticed a sinkhole was beginning to form in the parking lot. It is like far-right nationalists eroding the democracies of Europe. At first, it is just a couple of displaced bricks. As time goes by, whole nations can be swallowed in the sinkhole. I will keep you informed about the sinkhole.

DS called me at work Today. He had issues with his bike. I offered to pick up his bike after work. Today, I released the new version of the software. It was released for testing, and issues were found, so I will continue working on those.

DW and I drove home another route to avoid the road construction. At home, I put the bike holder on the towbar. I remember thinking I should put the license plate on the bike holder, but somehow that slipped my mind. The bike holder had issues with the light. It was not good at all. DS and I drove away anyway. Without a license plate and probably with lights that stopped working halfway. This action was far below my standard, but now we were on our way, and there was not much to do about it. I discovered the missing license plate when we loaded the bike. At that moment, the lights stopped working altogether. It wasn't good. Well, we got home without any ticket. I will have a look at the cabling ASAP, but not tonight.

At home, DW and I had supper. DS cooked for himself.

In the evening, I checked the drawings for the shed. We discovered two things we would like to have changed. The windows on the east side of the shed need to be high enough so that we can look out of the window. The construction now had metal bars inside the shed's walls. We do not want that. We can have metal, but it should be integrated into the walls. We will see what the shed builders are saying about this.

Wednesday 2 October

Good morning, the time is 7:10 AM. Outside, it is 12°C, and inside it is 21°C. Yesterday evening, I adjusted the heating system's warming curve. Yeah, I must admit it is a very complex heat system. You've got a warming curve transforming the outside temperatures to the input heat level of the system inside. Well, that would work pretty well if we had no windows. Unfortunately, we have windows, so we also get heat from the sun. And you can imagine what happens when you have two heat systems? So that is the underlying problem that we will try to fix with the help of curtains. Anyway. Now I'm going to make breakfast. It's going to be a smoothie. I have pears, apples, and bananas.

I worked in the morning. I learned new things, but I didn't find a solution yet. So that's something that I have to deal with tomorrow.

After lunch, I moved the sheep to a new grazing area. They are now on the east side of the property. I figured I wanted access to the north side, so I didn't completely cut off the north side. I left a path for things so that I could clean up there. I asked DW if it was OK for the sheep to feed from the trees and bushes, but she had promised people to come and take them out if they wanted, so I couldn't do that.

DW went to the food cooperative to bring 2 black radishes. People had ordered them. It is our first time selling vegetables, so it's a grand premiere for this activity.

The next task for the day was to disassemble the small temporary sheds. You have probably seen them in photos. One was covered in a blue tarp, and the other was made from pellets. We decided that we're gonna throw them away. Because. We have our marvelous rain roof.

4:10 PM the disassembly was done. That is 50 minutes before the upcycling station is closing. I loaded the pellets into the small trailer and drove to the station. Right on time, I recalled that the regular route was having a traffic jam. Good for me. I arrived at 4:45 PM, precisely like I did last time.

When I returned from the upcycling center, I came across the neighbors DW had promised they could have some trees from us. And I asked them how that would work, and they didn't have time for it. With that, I could change the grazing area to include the bushes and trees we will not need anymore, so the sheep can now eat from those bushes.

In the evening we went to friends for dinner. That was nice.

Thursday 3 October

Good morning. At 7:10 AM, it is 4°C outside, and inside, it is 21°C.

Both DW and I went to our offices. We drove the correct way, but there was a lot of traffic Today. It looks like Thursdays. It looks like Thursdays are busy days.

Today, it was the funeral of David Knowles. I could not attend the funeral (online) because I was at work. I gave him my thoughts, though.

In the evening, I started working on preparing the DJ set for Monday. I've got 34 tunes. Many of them are around 112 BPM.

I did not have much time to blog this evening, but I got the tunes for the show.

Friday 4 October

Good morning. The time is 7:03 AM. Outside, it is 3°C, and inside is 21°C. Umm. Yesterday, we received the planning for the shed. I didn't have time to look at it. Last night, Merida slept by my side.

I printed the planning for the shed. Now that we know when things will happen with the shed, we can plan for the rest of the year. It looks like we can have a Yule holiday in December. So that is cool.

It will be sunny Today; perhaps I can take the bike to work? After breakfast, I decided to take the car anyway. It was cold, and I was not feeling like biking.

It stayed sunny the whole day. It was gorgeous. I brought a zucchini to work and gave it to people in a neighboring company in the same hallway. The receiver was also a gardener, and I got a pepper in return. That was really cool.

In the afternoon I played music. People liked that. My work did not go so well, though. The challenge was stubborn. When I went home, I contemplated the algorithm and decided how to fix it while driving home.

DW and I biked to the grocery store and bought pizza. DS came and ate with us. He had a math thing he was contemplating about: There are 49 dogs signed up to compete in the dog show. There are 36 more small dogs than large dogs signed up to compete. How many small dogs are signed up to compete?

At first, I felt my brain just wanted to rest after a long workday, but I solved it. It was actually fun. Merida slept next to me on the couch.

Saturday 5 October.

This morning, it was still sunny. We had a relaxed morning. At 11 AM, we were done with breakfast. Then, the work of the day started.

DW harvested herbs from the garden. I cleared the area behind the sea container to prepare for the shed's building. We had an area for garbage containers and bikes made from the Crab 42 scaffold. DW and I dismantled that first. The bikes must be standing outside the workshop for now. The garbage bins were moved to the west side of the sea container.

I moved the remainder of the cement boards from this year's boards project to stand behind the garbage container. Tiny pieces went into the trailer.

Then, I dismantled the temporary kitchen cupboard. It was made from pallets on which the gypsum plates were delivered.

We had that cupboard before we got the carpenter kitchen installed. It had been standing outside, but it was still in good condition. I cut it into pieces and put it in the small trailer for transport to the upcycling center.

At this point, the stands for the Crab 42 scaffold were accessible. I removed the things from the top stand. Some boards and fence poles. Then I placed that stand in front of the sea container. Then, the heavy lifting started. I moved the Crab 42 scaffold to the new stand. When that was done, it was almost complete, and I put the now vacant stand on top of the container.

We had PVC pipes lying behind the sea container. They were easy to move. These pipes were a gift from the electrician a couple of years ago.

At this point, my back was tired. I almost overstretched it. We had a break. I sat leaning against the cement board. I even napped there in the sun; the weather was magnificent.

Before it got too dark, I had started moving roof tiles to the pallet I had been sitting on next to the garbage bins. The roof tiles are left over from the roof of the main building.

I was exhausted in the evening. I had no energy to practice with the DJ controller. I have to do that tomorrow.

Sunday 6 October

Today, we were not in a hurry to get up and work. We were a little earlier than yesterday to start working. That was great. DW continued to work on harvesting the garden and preparing it for the winter.

I continued with clearing the area behind the sea container. I started with the roof tiles. They are heavy, but I was careful when picking them up to spare my back. The roof tiles come in packages. I loaded the packages onto a pallet. Then, I put a ratchet strap around the tiles. The package is sturdy, so I could add another layer.

For the second layer, I primarily had red tiles.


With that done, it was time for floor tiles to be moved. For that, our little carriages with four wheels are just perfect. It is made from a child trolley.

With these things done, it was time for poles and boards. That concluded the move of stuff from behind the container.

While I was moving things, the sheep ate from the bushes. Occasionally, I cut down a bush so that they could continue eating. When I was done with the move of stuff, I moved the sheep grazing area to the patch in front of the house. That is the last grazing area for this season. From then on, we will start giving the sheep hay to eat. We got one and a half bale from last year. DW will call the farmer where we buy the bales and order new ones. Then we will get there and pick them up. Hopefully, next weekend.

At 4 PM, I started practicing with the DJ set. I gave the tunes a loop at the end of the tunes. If I am distracted, the tune will keep playing in the loop, and then I can mix another tune. I also started to program cue points for when the singing starts in each tune. When I put another cue point four bar before that. I did not finish that work.

Tomorrow, I will play my DJ set. I am a little nervous, but I am sure it will go well. Today, DW made chutney from the remaining green tomatoes. That is delicious.

Here ends this week's blog. I am happy with the harvest and the preparations for the shed. Things are going well! This week, I only wrote 2529 words. Welcome back next week!

I was born 1967 in Stockholm, Sweden. I grew up in the small village Vågdalen in north Sweden. 1989 I moved to Umeå to study Computer Science at University of Umeå. 1995 I moved to the Netherlands where I live in Almere not far from Amsterdam.

Here on this site I let you see my creations.

I create, that is my hobby.