I create.
Porting my blog for the second time, walk the old data part 4 |
Porting my blog for the second time, setting up Apache2 |
Porting my blog for the second time, finished loading old blog data
This is post #17 of my series about how I port this blog from Blogengine.NET 2.5 ASPX on a Windows Server 2003 to a Linux Ubuntu server, Apache2, MySQL and PHP. A so called LAMP. The introduction to this project can be found in this blog post /post/Porting-my-blog-for-the-second-time-Project-can-start.
Now when I finished loading the data I would like to celebrate this by posting my entire complete perl program reading the XML and loading it into the database.
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use XML::LibXML; # apt-get install libxml-libxml-perl use DBI; # apt-get install libdbd-mysql-perl use Switch; #apt-get install libswitch-perl use URI::Encode qw(uri_encode uri_decode); #apt-get install liburi-encode-perl use LWP::Simple; use HTML::Entities # apt-get install libhtml-parser-perl binmode STDIN, ':encoding(UTF-8)'; # Database connection my $dbh = DBI-≻connect('dbi:mysql:database=jensblog;#host=localhost','randomuser','somepassword',{AutoCommit=≻1,RaiseError=≻1,PrintError=≻1}); $dbh-≻do( "set names utf8" ); my $deleteDataBase = 1; my $insertCategories = 1; my $insertPost = 1; my $insertPostCategories = 1; my $loadFeedback = 1; my $loadTags = 1; my $downloadImages = 1; # Delete data from the tables # # if ($deleteDataBase) { $dbh-≻do('delete from PostTag'); $dbh-≻do('delete from PostCategory'); $dbh-≻do('delete from PostURL'); $dbh-≻do('delete from URL'); $dbh-≻do('delete from Tag'); $dbh-≻do('delete from Category'); $dbh-≻do('delete from Feedback'); $dbh-≻do('delete from Post'); $dbh-≻do('ALTER TABLE Post AUTO_INCREMENT = 1'); $dbh-≻do('ALTER TABLE PostTag AUTO_INCREMENT = 1'); $dbh-≻do('ALTER TABLE PostURL AUTO_INCREMENT = 1'); $dbh-≻do('ALTER TABLE PostCategory AUTO_INCREMENT = 1'); $dbh-≻do('ALTER TABLE URL AUTO_INCREMENT = 1'); $dbh-≻do('ALTER TABLE Tag AUTO_INCREMENT = 1'); $dbh-≻do('ALTER TABLE Category AUTO_INCREMENT = 1'); $dbh-≻do('ALTER TABLE Feedback AUTO_INCREMENT = 1'); } # For detection of duplicate slug names. # my %dictSlugToID = (); # Load categories # my $filename = "/usr/local/bin/jensblog/App_Data/categories.xml"; my $parser = XML::LibXML-≻new("1.0", "UTF-8"); my $xmldoc = $parser-≻parse_file($filename); my %dictGUIDToID = (); my %dictTargetAndTagNameToURLID = (); if ($insertCategories) { for my $category_node ($xmldoc-≻findnodes("//category")) { my $strGuidId = $category_node -≻ findnodes('@id') -≻ to_literal; my $strCategoryName = $category_node-≻textContent; $dbh-≻do('INSERT INTO Category (Name) VALUES (?)', undef, $strCategoryName); my $intId = $dbh-≻{mysql_insertid}; $dictGUIDToID{ $strGuidId } = $intId; print $strGuidId . " " . $strCategoryName. " " . $intId . " "; } } Walk('/usr/local/bin/jensblog/App_Data/posts'); # LoadPost('/usr/local/bin/jensblog/App_Data/posts/afe00c46-b999-4305-8ca5-7d7f5ce9ab23.xml'); # LoadPost('/usr/local/bin/jensblog/App_Data/posts/302eaa17-dca5-427f-af96-c39bdb428c41.xml'); # LoadPost('/usr/local/bin/jensblog/App_Data/posts/8d4c8839-f196-480c-a1d7-7f0fb53b9e2f.xml'); # # sub Walk { my ($directory) = @_; opendir my $dirHandle, $directory or die "Failed to open $directory: $!"; my @dirItems = readdir $dirHandle; for my $dirItem (@dirItems) { if ($dirItem =~ /^(.|..)$/) { next; } if ($dirItem =~ /_vti_cnf$|themes$/) { next; } # Skip this file. The welcome message of the BlogEngine. # if ($dirItem =~ /c3b491e5-59ac-4f6a-81e5-27e971b903ed.xml/) { next; } my $path = $directory . "/" . $dirItem; if (-f $path && $path =~ /.xml$/i) { LoadPost($path); } if (-d $path) { Walk($path); } } } # Walk() # sub LoadPost { my ($filenamePost) = @_; print "==============================="; print "========== LOAD POST =========="; print "==============================="; print "File: " . $filenamePost . ""; # Load a post fields # #my $filenamePost = "/usr/local/bin/jensblog/App_Data/posts/6d781b81-27ab-4ecf-a4ce-df2795128f0d.xml"; $xmldoc = $parser-≻parse_file($filenamePost); my $strEncoding = $xmldoc-≻encoding(); print "Encoding: " . $strEncoding . ""; my %dictStringFieldToValue = (); my %dictBoolFieldToValue = (); my $postID = 0; if ($insertPost) { for my $node ($xmldoc-≻findnodes("/post/*")) { if ($node -≻ nodeName() =~ /author|title|description|slug|content|pubDate|lastModified/) { $dictStringFieldToValue{$node -≻ nodeName()} = $node-≻textContent(); } elsif ($node -≻ nodeName() =~ /ispublished|isdeleted|iscommentsenabled/) { my $boolValue = 0; if ($node-≻textContent() eq "True") { $boolValue = 1; } $dictBoolFieldToValue{$node -≻ nodeName()} = $boolValue; } } # Clean up the slug. Resolve duplicate slug names. # $dictStringFieldToValue{"slug"} =~ s/^-?(.*)-?$/$1/; $dictStringFieldToValue{"title"} =~ s/^s?(.*)s?$/$1/; my $iSlugCounter = 2; while (exists ($dictSlugToID{$dictStringFieldToValue{"slug"}})) { $dictStringFieldToValue{"slug"} = $dictStringFieldToValue{"slug"} . "-" . $iSlugCounter; $iSlugCounter++; } print "Slug: " . $dictStringFieldToValue{"slug"} . ""; $dbh-≻do( 'INSERT INTO Post (Author,Title,Description,Slug,Content,' . 'IsPublished,IsDeleted,IsCommentsEnabled,' . 'PublishedOn,ModifiedOn) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', undef, $dictStringFieldToValue{"author"}, $dictStringFieldToValue{"title"}, $dictStringFieldToValue{"description"}, $dictStringFieldToValue{"slug"}, $dictStringFieldToValue{"content"}, $dictBoolFieldToValue{"ispublished"}, $dictBoolFieldToValue{"isdeleted"}, $dictBoolFieldToValue{"iscommentsenabled"}, $dictStringFieldToValue{"pubDate"}, $dictStringFieldToValue{"lastModified"} ); $postID = $dbh-≻{mysql_insertid}; # Remember this slug. # $dictSlugToID{$dictStringFieldToValue{"slug"}} = $postID; print "----------------------------- Post ID was: " . $postID . " ----------------------------- "; } # Decode entities # $dictStringFieldToValue{"content"} = decode_entities($dictStringFieldToValue{"content"}, "200-377"); my $strTagName = ""; my $strWidth = ""; my $strHeight = ""; my $strTarget = ""; my $bIsLocalURL = 0; my $strFileName = ""; my $strStyle = ""; my $bIsFileContent = 0; my $bIsAlreadyLoadedInAnotherPost = 0; my %dictURLToDatabaseID = (); print "Process URLs"; # URL and Image processing # Here we parse the post content. Extract URLs and store these in the URL entity. # Download images to be stored locally. Find and replace all URLs with URL place holders. # # my $iUrlCount = 0; my $content = $dictStringFieldToValue{"content"}; my $contentParsed = ""; my $contentResult = ""; while ($content =~ /^(.*?)(≺a.+?≻|≺img.+?/≻)/msi) { print "~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-"; print "~-~-~-~-~-~ PROCESS URL ~-~-~-~-~-~-"; print "~-~-~-~-~-~-~- START -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-"; $iUrlCount++; $content = substr($content, length($1 . $2)); $contentParsed .= $1; $contentResult .= $1; # Wait with saving the tag until after it has been replaced with a place holder. my $tag = $2; print "Tag at offset : " . length($contentParsed =~ s/ / /r) . ""; $contentParsed .= $tag; $bIsAlreadyLoadedInAnotherPost = 0; # # $bIsLocalURL = $tag =~ /(|||/image)/i; $bIsFileContent = $tag =~ /.(pdf|jpg|gif|png)/i; if ($tag =~ /^≺([a-z]+)/i) { $strTagName = lc($1); } if ($tag =~ /widths*=s*"(.+?)"/i) { $strWidth = $1; } else { $strWidth = ""; } if ($tag =~ /heights*=s*"(.+?)"/i) { $strHeight = $1; } else { $strWidth = ""; } if ($tag =~ /styles*=s*"(.*?)"/i) { $strStyle = $1; } else { $strStyle = ""; } # Replace an URL with an URL place holder. Store the URL in dictURLToDatabaseID so that # later on it is possible to search for URLs a second time. # # my $iDatabaseIDofThisURLentry = -1; if ($tag =~ /(.*?)(https?://|/image)(.+?)["']/i) { my $strParsedURL = $2.$3; $strTarget = uri_decode($strParsedURL); $strTarget =~ s//([iI])mage/$1mage/; if (exists $dictTargetAndTagNameToURLID{$strTarget . "|" . $strTagName}) { print "Already present: " . $strTarget . "|" . $strTagName. ""; # URL record already available for this URL $iDatabaseIDofThisURLentry = $dictTargetAndTagNameToURLID{$strTarget . "|" . $strTagName}; $bIsAlreadyLoadedInAnotherPost = 1; } else { # Insert the URL record. Get the ID of it for replacing URLs with place holders such as /media/PICT3080_s1600.JPG # $dbh-≻do( 'INSERT INTO URL (TagName, Width, Height, IsLocalURL, Style, IsFileContent ) ' . 'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )' , undef, $strTagName,$strWidth,$strHeight,$bIsLocalURL,$strStyle,$bIsFileContent); $dictTargetAndTagNameToURLID{$strTarget . "|" . $strTagName} = $iDatabaseIDofThisURLentry = $dbh-≻{mysql_insertid}; } $dictURLToDatabaseID{$strTarget} = $iDatabaseIDofThisURLentry; $tag =~ s/^(.*?)($strParsedURL)(.*?)$/$1{URL:$iDatabaseIDofThisURLentry}$3/; } # Change the image filename to indicate the resolution of the image. # $strFileName = $strTarget; if ($strFileName =~ s/(.*?/)(s[0-9]+)(/)([a-z0-9]+)(.[a-z]{3,4})$/$4_$2$5/i) { print "Transformed filename: " . $strFileName . ""; } else { $strFileName = $strTarget; $strFileName =~ s/(.*?/)([^/]+$)/$2/; } # Is the URL pointing to a file to be downloaded? # # my $strFullPathAndImageFileName = "/usr/local/bin/images/" . $strFileName; if ($bIsLocalURL && $bIsFileContent && $downloadImages && !$bIsAlreadyLoadedInAnotherPost && !-f $strFullPathAndImageFileName) { print "Get target " . $strTarget . " save to " . $strFileName . ""; my $data = LWP::Simple::get($strTarget); open (FH, "≻$strFullPathAndImageFileName"); binmode (FH); print FH $data; close (FH); } $contentResult .= $tag; # Tag is processed. Here we add it. # Update the FileName and Target of the current URL, # Connect the Post with this URL by creating the PostURL record. # if (!$bIsAlreadyLoadedInAnotherPost) { $dbh-≻do('UPDATE URL SET Target = ?, Filename = ? WHERE ID = ?' , undef, $strTarget, $strFileName , $iDatabaseIDofThisURLentry); } # Ignore duplicates of links between a Post and URL because that indicated that the same URL is used twize in a post. # eval { $dbh-≻do( 'INSERT INTO PostURL (URLID, PostID )' . 'VALUES (?, ? )' , undef, $iDatabaseIDofThisURLentry,$postID); }; print "PostURL already available. PostID: " . $postID . ", URLID: " . $iDatabaseIDofThisURLentry . ". Message: $@ " if $@; print "iDatabaseIDofThisURLentry " . $iDatabaseIDofThisURLentry. " "; print "postID " . $postID . " "; print "iUrlCount " . $iUrlCount . " "; print "strTagName " . $strTagName . " "; print "strWidth " . $strWidth . " "; print "strHeight " . $strHeight . " "; print "strTarget " . $strTarget . " "; print "bIsLocalURL " . $bIsLocalURL . " "; print "strStyle " . $strStyle . " "; print "strFileName " . $strFileName . " "; print "bIsFileContent " . $bIsFileContent . " "; } print "~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ END ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- "; print "~-~-~-~-~-~ PROCESS URL ~-~-~-~-~-~- "; print "~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- "; $contentResult .= $content; # Add any text after the last tag. # Post processing the content of the post to find any remaining URLs in the text. # foreach my $strParsedURL ( keys %dictURLToDatabaseID ) { print "URL: $strParsedURL, DatabaseID: $dictURLToDatabaseID{$strParsedURL} "; $contentResult =~ s/$strParsedURL/{URL:$dictURLToDatabaseID{$strParsedURL}}/g; } # Here all URLs of the content replaced with place holders. Now it can be updated to the database. # $dbh-≻do('UPDATE Post SET Content = ? WHERE ID = ?' , undef, $contentResult , $postID); # Load categories of a post. Connect the Category entity to this Post through the PostCategory entity. # if ($insertPostCategories) { for my $node ($xmldoc-≻findnodes("/post/categories/category")) { print "Category: " . $node-≻textContent() . " " . $dictGUIDToID{$node-≻textContent()} . " "; $dbh-≻do('INSERT INTO PostCategory (PostID,CategoryID) VALUES (?, ?)' , undef, $postID, $dictGUIDToID{$node-≻textContent()} ); } } # Load tags of a post. Connect the Tags entity to this Post through the PostTag entity. # if ($loadTags) { for my $node ($xmldoc-≻findnodes("/post/tags/tag")) { print "Loaded tag: " . $node-≻textContent() . " "; my $sth = $dbh -≻ prepare('SELECT ID FROM Tag WHERE Name = ?'); $sth-≻execute( $node-≻textContent() ); my $tagID = "-"; if(my $row = $sth-≻fetchrow_hashref()) { $tagID = $$row{"ID"}; print "Tag found in database: " . $node-≻textContent() . " with ID: " . $tagID ." "; } if ($tagID eq "-") { print "Tag not found in database: " . $node-≻textContent() . " "; $dbh-≻do('INSERT INTO Tag (Name) VALUES (?)' , undef, $node-≻textContent() ); $tagID = $dbh-≻{mysql_insertid}; } $dbh-≻do('INSERT INTO PostTag (PostID,TagID) VALUES (?, ?)' , undef, $postID, $tagID ); } } # Load feedback. # if ($loadFeedback) { for my $node ($xmldoc-≻findnodes("/post/comments/comment")) { print "Feedback on: " . getField("date", $node) . " "; $dbh-≻do( 'INSERT INTO Feedback (PostID, Date, Author, Email, IP, Content, IsApproved, IsDeleted, IsSpam)' . 'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )' , undef, $postID, getField("date", $node), getField("author", $node), getField("email", $node), getField("ip", $node), getField("content", $node), getBooleanAttribute("approved", $node), getBooleanAttribute("deleted", $node), getBooleanAttribute("spam", $node) ); } } } # LoadPost() # Used to load True/False attributes in feedback # sub getBooleanAttribute { my ($ip_strName, $node) = @_; my $result = 0; if ($node-≻getAttribute($ip_strName) eq "True") { $result = 1; } return $result; } # getBooleanAttribute() # Used to load feedback data # sub getField { my ($ip_strName, $node) = @_; my @fieldNodeList = $node -≻ findnodes($ip_strName); if (scalar @fieldNodeList ≻ 0) { return $fieldNodeList[0] -≻ textContent(); } else { return ""; } } # getField()
My next project will be to manipulate the webserver.
Sounds in the blogsystemNext version of the slideshowLearning Python Part IIILearning Python Part IIImpressionism and beyond. A Wonderful Journey 28 January 2018Fixing unresolved links after editingThis is my summer 2016 blog!Porting my blog for the second time, linksPorting my blog for the second time, editing part 7Porting my blog for the second time, editing part 6Porting my blog for the second time, categories part 3Business cards, version 1Porting my blog for the second time, deployment part 2Not indexed but still missing? Google hypocrisy.A new era: Nikon D5100 DSLR, Nikkor 18 - 55 and 55 - 300!
I moved from Sweden to The Netherlands in 1995.
Here on this site, you find my creations because that is what I do. I create.
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