I create.
The Takeover |
I am published! |
The Frolic Song
I started on making a trance melody. To pick out the best sounds I experimented with various instruments and synthesizers’ and somehow the harpsichord came out and took over the trance. So after some time I had a trance lullaby. Then I removed the trance and the leftover is a frolic song.
Next time I will make real trance music. I promise!
Roadplates returnedConcrete floorThe floor of the barn was preparedElectric plan of the barnVisit to a building companyWorked on the building plan of the shedStarted preparing for plastering the workshopFinished plastering the staircase hallAlmost finished plastering the first phase of the ceiling of the staircase hallStarted putting up planks on the north wallTried to get InternetWastewater and RainwaterWorking on the exterior this weekWe planted our apple treesStarted on ventilation
I moved from Sweden to The Netherlands in 1995.
Here on this site, you find my creations because that is what I do. I create.
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