I create.
Dog Friendship |
Peach leaved Bell flower Close-up |
Pears on a glass plate
This is the painting of mainly pears lying on a glass plate. The fruits are casting a direct shadow that is bluish. Then you can also see the reflection of the fruit in the glass plate. This is a clever motive but it is difficult to execute. I believe that I would succeed better if I had been more selective for choice of motive and how to set up the composition.
Accepted a bid for the old houseArshak Makichyan, a Russian climate activist.Elliot Connor the conservationistFionnuala 19 AprilPortrait of Patsy on 11 April 2020Showing who I am is resistanceMaddy Anne, 11 March 2020View over the Storsjön lake in Jämtland, Sweden on 5 March 2020Deniz from IstanbulHollands landscapeStill life under lampOur future housePortrait of Helen Jackson from GlasgowStill life painting of vegetablesPortrait of Anna Kernahan
I moved from Sweden to The Netherlands in 1995.
Here on this site, you find my creations because that is what I do. I create.
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