I create.
Construction Drawing |
Tidbrandsholm at Frösön, Jämtland |
Self portrait
So I made this drawing and as I remember it now I was in a kind of "bubble" about the quality of the drawing. It was me, it had to be. I made it and I made it of myself in a mirror and it should look like me.
I had an exhibition at school. I don't know how that was arranged but that happened. I had a number of drawings and one of them was my portrait.
I was a bit taken by surprise when I started to understand that people did not recognize me in this drawing. Imaging the feeling of someone who believe they can sing and suddenly after performing a while the audience tells you that "it is nice but out of tune".
That was how I felt about this drawing. After a while I discovered this was a complete failure. I gained more respect for drawing human figures, the hard way so to say. I also got a feeling that this is something I need to master one day and now 30+ years on I am working on exactly this. Among other things.
I moved from Sweden to The Netherlands in 1995.
Here on this site, you find my creations because that is what I do. I create.
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