Short armed model

I had been studying books about how to draw and paint models and portrait for long time. It is nearly impossible to learn how to paint without actually also doing it so I occasionally went to model sessions at gallery De Stoker in Amsterdam to practice and to learn more about how to paint nude models and portraits.

On this painting I had problems with the right arm of the model. Not that I noticed that when I was painting. This is something I could see afterward. I could decide to not publish this painting but this blog is not only a blog of good paintings, it is also the blog of less good paintings. So here it is: Short armed model.

The people at the gallery are really nice people. At De Stoker I found the same atmosphere of painters who really want to achieve good art as we have at Aquarelmere. It smells oil paint at the gallery, which was new to me. I was offered coffee and cookies in the breaks and the first time I went to the gallery when I went home I was “high” of the coffee.

With this model I tried to paint an aquarelle. I did not feel I was ready for acrylic just yet. One of the artists, Maroesja, gave me at tip “it is rarely so that models have straight lines”. Hmm… I had to come back and work more on the womanly curves.

I moved from Sweden to The Netherlands in 1995.

Here on this site, you find my creations because that is what I do. I create.