Model with dark curly hair

I had a tendency to make paintings of models as if they were painted on a separate canvas and then cut out and glued on to background. On this painting I started to work on this issue. The size of hands and feet were surprisingly difficult.

At the gallery the more experienced artists could come by in a break and quickly measure my progress by creating a measure tool between thumb and index finger and compare the sizes to other various references of the model. Really clever, it looks so easy. I had been reading about this and I tried to apply it too but it is actually not that simple. I suppose with experience it gets easier.

On this painting I worked opaque. I used no aquarelle technique. I painted the background first. Then I worked on the model. By doing it this way I would not get any white area between the background and model. Oh well, on some places.

I moved from Sweden to The Netherlands in 1995.

Here on this site, you find my creations because that is what I do. I create.