I create.
White Conté |
Brown/Orange Conté |
Variations in Tones
In this exercise Iwona continued on the theme of using the tools we learned about up until know. She wanted us to try to express different textures. So on this drawing the model had soft skin so I used regular charcoal for that and then smeared that out to create a soft tone. Then I used harder Conté sticks and hatching for the textile of the clothing. The shadows of the floor got a softer tone again.
Worked on the building plan of the shedSuzana 8 March 2020Sam 1 March 2020Suzana 23 February 2020Helen 16 February 2020Helen 2 February 2020Two Greta cartoonsDoodle on 17 of December 2019Elephants in the room - cartoon, 2 December 2019Eivor 24 November 2019Hanna 20 Januray 2019Hanna 13 of January 2019Hanna 27 January 2019Susanne on February 10 2019March 10 2019
I moved from Sweden to The Netherlands in 1995.
Here on this site, you find my creations because that is what I do. I create.
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