I create.
Vases |
Roses |
One day during my previous holiday a stranger equipped with a professional looking camera walked into the pasture of the bulls. With excitement I awaited the events to follow. The bulls had gathered on a hill further away so it took a while for the photographer to approach the bulls. First I could see a couple of bull heads turning towards the stranger. Then when the leader of the flock decided that this was a really interesting event and started to move towards the stranger things happened rapidly. What happened I don’t know exactly because it was behind the hill, I could hear heavy bulls galloping towards the stranger. I would be absolutely terrified in such situation but I was standing outside the pasture. After this there was silence. After a moment that appeared as an eternity the stranger appeared from behind the hill and to my surprise he had a trail of bulls escorting the him to the gate of the pasture.
I moved from Sweden to The Netherlands in 1995.
Here on this site, you find my creations because that is what I do. I create.
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