About: Blogging

This category of blogposts contains all the stories of how I work with the blog itself. A large part of these stories are about how I ported the blog from Windows 2003 to Ubuntu 14.04.

PostPublished On
Sounds in the blogsystem
Next version of the slideshow
Learning Python Part III
Learning Python Part II
Impressionism and beyond. A Wonderful Journey 28 January 2018
Fixing unresolved links after editing
This is my summer 2016 blog!
Porting my blog for the second time, links
Porting my blog for the second time, deployment part 2
Porting my blog for the second time, deployment part 1
Porting my blog for the second time, editing part 7
Porting my blog for the second time, editing part 6
Porting my blog for the second time, editing part 5
Porting my blog for the second time, editing part 4
Porting my blog for the second time, editing part 3
Porting my blog for the second time, editing part 2
Porting my blog for the second time, editing part 1
Porting my blog for the second time, render code
Porting my blog for the second time, static pages
Porting my blog for the second time, categories part 3
Porting my blog for the second time, categories part 2
Porting my blog for the second time, categories
Porting my blog for the second time, feedback
Porting my blog for the second time, left sidebar part 1
Porting my blog for the second time, localize date and time
Porting my blog for the second time, right sidebar part 2
Porting my blog for the second time, right sidebar part 1
Porting my blog for the second time, left sidebar
Porting my blog for the second time, layout part 5
Porting my blog for the second time, render posts part 11
Porting my blog for the second time, render posts part 10
Porting my blog for the second time, render posts part 9
Porting my blog for the second time, render posts part 8
Porting my blog for the second time, render posts part 7
Porting my blog for the second time, render posts part 6
Porting my blog for the second time, render posts part 5
Porting my blog for the second time, render posts part 4
Porting my blog for the second time, render posts part 3
Porting my blog for the second time, render posts part 2
Porting my blog for the second time, render posts
Porting my blog for the second time, layout part 4
Porting my blog for the second time, layout part 3
Porting my blog for the second time, layout part 2
Porting my blog for the second time, create a layout
Porting my blog for the second time, setting up Apache2
Porting my blog for the second time, finished loading old blog data
Porting my blog for the second time, walk the old data part 4
Porting my blog for the second time, walk the old data part 3
Porting my blog for the second time, walk the old data part 2
Porting my blog for the second time, images part 6
Porting my blog for the second time, images part 5
Porting my blog for the second time, images part 4
Porting my blog for the second time, images part 3
Porting my blog for the second time, images part 2
Porting my blog for the second time, images part 1
Porting my blog for the second time, tags
Porting my blog for the second time, comments
Porting my blog for the second time, restart
Porting my blog for the second time, load a post
Porting my blog for the second time, walk the posts
Porting my blog for the second time, walk the old data.
Porting my blog for the second time. Project started!
I got this blog engine back, I am so happy!
Today I was the invisible man
Swedish Keyboard layout on an US i-Connex bluetooth keyboard
Testing blogging with Samsung galaxy s4
Where is the art?
I have fans all over the world!
This blog on glass fiber
Power Failure in the Server Room - Happy New Year 2012
“Electricity”, “Industry” and “Steam”
A new era: Nikon D5100 DSLR, Nikkor 18 - 55 and 55 - 300!
Really big ideas were small in the beginning
When is Google finished reading and indexing my site?
Match Point
Not indexed but still missing? Google hypocrisy.
The contacts page is working now!
Business cards, version 1
Removed the permalink link
On this blog no talk about feed. How about carbon dioxide?
Search and thou shalt find
This is not a blog about poverty and how to feed
Dead blog posts rests in peace
End of August 2011 - Status of this blog
Today I ported the blog
Read The Fine Print
Bug in Blogger template
141 blog posts
Photos of paintings
Painting pile
My first blog post... ever!

I moved from Sweden to The Netherlands in 1995.

Here on this site, you find my creations because that is what I do. I create.